

I am currently working on a project Tir mo Ruin and have spent the last two weeks on the Isle of Lewis. 
Sexy Peat/Tir mo Rùin is a project that will create a body of contemporary visual art in response to the rich ecology and heritage of the Lewis Peatlands in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides. The Lewis Peatlands, and their blanket bog and moorlands, form a remarkable landscape both visually and environmentally. Beyond their initially austere or barren appearance the peatlands reveal an abundance of colour, texture and life forms in constant interaction with dynamic weather systems. These features have inspired the people who have lived with the moor for generations. This project will investigate and celebrate that land, those people and their heritage.

Another important reason for carrying out this project is to highlight the significant and largely unrecognised role that peatlands play in global climate regulation. As carbon sinks, they are similar in importance to tropical rainforests, and yet they too are being damaged and destroyed at an unprecedented rate.
Sexy Peat will make a body of contemporary visual art that raises the profile of peatlands and their environmental value, unearths their material complexity and celebrates the continuing interweaving of their human and biological realms.  

You can follow the project blog here   and via Capefarewell Seachange site here