

I have been working on Spincycle Skye project recently with Atlas Arts  on Skye a multi-disciplinary project looking at visual culture, performance, music and crafts, In collaboration with Atlas Arts I have been  exploring the theme of spin, revolution and all things that revolve and turn. The project will encompass workshops, work-in-progress presentations, community events and exhibitions of new work across all art forms. You can follow the Spincycle-Skye tumblr blog.  The project has been funded by Creative Scotland 

On 23rd and 24th August SpincycleSkye will be linking with Skye Bike Festival to present part of the project. Nick Hand will be taking a SPIN around the Isle of Skye on his bike and will recording all things spin as he goes and David Littler  + Jason Singh of Sampler Culture Clash will perform the results of their own research into spin on skye.  

from source to land 
a spincycleskye project

In a project celebrating stock clubs, wool and all things spin, I am developing new work on Skye in collaboration with crofters, spinners and those who walk the land of Skye. In addition we will be launching 'the great wellie sock challenge' a community knit project in support of Row St Kilda to Skye