
blow-in bespoke  An Tobar Isle of Mull 5th July - 29th August 2013 

'During her time on the Isle of Mull Deirdre has been gathering real life stories from a range of 'blow in' (incomer) island residents. She has unearthed stories of past, present and place of origin from a range of people who have chosen to make the Isle of Mull their home.

Each work has been made specifically in exchange for personal stories given and designed in collaboration with individuals she has encountered during her residency at An Tobar. The works reflect the personality and life of those involved and reflect a diverse contemporary life on the Isle of Mull. The resulting works will be gifted to the participants on completion of the exhibition and become an ongoing part of Isle of Mull life '.  

The work will comprise of digital print, embroidery and knit and provide a series of functional textiles gifted to those who have shared their time and stories.   

Here are a few of the chosen 'blow ins'

A Latvian barmaid, marathon runner, cyclist and volunteer firefighter
A French marine engineer with a passion for food
A N. Irish glamorous grandmother with a love of dancing 
A Bangladeshi waiter who worked on a tea plantation in the hills
A Scottish  international recruitment consultant who is a self confessed techno geek
An English postman who loves vinyl and has a reputation as a snappy dresser
A Scottish ceramicist married to a South African evolutionary biologist

Isle of Mull