
Design ideas have been approved for my commission with Saffron Gardens in Bristol so the making has begun! I am collaborating with Helen Kalmijn in creating a set of tree hat stands. Through spending time with  residents when artist in residence at Saffron Gardens ( July / August ) , I was interested to observe residents interacting with  bags , scarves and coats hanging  in different parts of the home. The hatstands, covered in fine knit, will  provide a tactile  functional object within the home which act as a prompt from inside to outside. 

A series of international birds are also being created which will refer to residents countries of origin and provide tactile movable objects which will make their own journeys around the new care home. Each bird will combine textured surfaces suitable for handling . 

'How does dementia affect an understanding of ‘home’ and ‘homely’ for people across different cultures and backgrounds, including those who may have emigrated to Britain in their youth? This is the central question being addressed through an artist residency by Deirdre Nelson within a Bristol care home. She is exploring the concept of ‘home’ within the differing cultural backgrounds and rich life stories of residents and staff at a Brunelcare Care Home for people living with dementia.
Nelson will produce her own work in response to this dialogue and the completed artworks will be installed in a new care home, Saffron Gardens, in Whitehall. Many of the residents and staff with whom Nelson will be in contact during her residency will be moved here when the building opens in December 2012. .'