Its the last day of the festival and the words are being rounded up  in Wigtown. I shall take the words away and begin to think of how to develop the work for Spring Fling in May 2010 . Many ideas have been suggested ......bunting to wrap the town in words, poetry slams, donating the words back to writers ..kites flying over Wigtown with words .... 

I now need to spend time digest the words, the experience and information gathered.  I  have quite a few books to read also after hearing  great writers speak at events ..

mona siddiqui

Wigtown recommends ( by Sarah Sheridan blogging for the festival)
We asked Wigtown authors to donate their finest reading suggestion. Here are 20 Scottish Book Town recommended reads and their provenance.

At-Swim-Two-Birds by Flann O’Brien recommended by James Robertson
Animal Farm by George Orwell recommended by JF Derry
The Extinction Club by Robert Twigger recommended by William Coles
Uncle Petros and Golbach’s Conjecture by Apostolos Doxiadis recommended by Alex Bellos
The Amateur Emigrant by Robert Louis Stevenson recommended by Irma Kurtz
1066 And All That by Sellar and Yeatman recommended by Owen Dudley Edwards
Comet in Moominland by Tove Jensson recommended by Debi Gliori
The Hare with Amber Eyes by Edmund de Waal recommended by Charlie James
In Youth is Pleasure by Denton Welch recommended by Tiffany Murray
The Life of an Unknown Man by Andrei Makine and Geoffrey Strachan recommended by Allan Massie
Arctic Dreams by Barney Lopez recommended by Jim Crumley
The Story of San Michele by Axel Munthe recommended by Tom Smith
Water Music by TC Boyle recommended by Sara Sheridan
The Incredible Adam Spark by Alan Bissett recommended by Barbara Trapido
Elliot Allagash by Simon Rich recommended by Henry Nicholls
Possession by AS Byatt recommended by Suzanne Fagence Cooper
The Mirabelles by Annie Freud recommended by Alan Buckley
Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe recommended by Fiona Watson
Stress of Her Regard by Tim Powers recommended by Andy Lane
The Book of Night Women by Marlon James recommended by Kei Miller

cool  mega  idiot  jaybob  beast  mental  hard  tatties  crazy  magpie  doodoo  weird  dumdee  dog  looloo  scream  poo fancat  leave  backflip  fluffy  crop  zang   oompalumpa  collector  OMG  ribena   shing!!!  spectacular  brilliant  amazing squidgy  sport  horse  crazy  great  zippy  guitar  beautiful  believe  sheep fun  chocolate  hey  fansheeptastic  sup awesome  sausages  cheese  hightops  singer  muppet  water  clootie friend weird mam weeble gruesome scrubdub bong princess cake love football ozzy scribble serendipity clipclop hello tara  africa clarty binbag wahoo oliver food zap wicked chumchumadoo lettuce fandabydosey  blob  free  kaboombay  chubby totalwipeout  dumpling  faffing guff glint claggy heuch!! keekin  lobby  stoor  linguist  mawkit  tangle havering polymath little ostrabogulus bosom summerafternoon baboon poltergeist  pillock  goolie  crumble  plainstanes plype zealous smurr skeddadle  boomboom moose mitsubushi menescus scrofulus jaberwokey rumbunctious extremely pyjamas foxglove zebra rare archipelego taboggan squally glaikit clanjamfrie  wistful serendipity oxster glaikut pernicity bamboozle love pastiche wanabee interloper chouette ( french for great) idiosyncratic opalescent offthehook quixotic sunshine any twentyfour eichornchen (german for squirrell)entschildigung ( german for excuse me ) eightyeight rhinemetal88 obfusc freckle frabjous fractous slightly pallid crapulus squirrel tintinabulation elemental pastiche armpit curious sunflower bananna bazookie historic apple excited supertastic drums silly bananna basketball play happy spontaneous chicken lubricant crepuscular cludgie terrifying squishy pop bang bakedbeans estatic smelly what bus awesome paper india volcano prototype coat world knot nap cat leave red freckle crumbs crunchy plooky supertastic van jewel historic toilet stony dress twilight bed splash cast sling lola onion run cheese tent minging tangerine kite flower pen tomatoes bird chips lollies juicy scarf hairdo morning bat transformer funny crisps bahookie transport landscape yuk terrify bum then cartoon emotion rain name great bowl tree train fantastic  chicklet book write nailpolish green schoolo scampered thump thud bed egg outstanding cool fandabbydosey squid colourful logic squash fun red noney sun splodge huff slurp slop blob pig lion joyful story monkey happy fairtrade splosh essert somnulent bacherties iconic destruction toss fjord mawdlet gricer frabjous sylph-like rubbish lurcher fricative smirr velvet chuckling shababladingdingdong burger coat world knot nap cat leave red freckle crumbs crunchy plooky supertastic van jewel historic toilet sstoney dress twilight bed splash cast sling tent cheese ban minging tangerine kite flower pen tomatoes bird chips lollies juicy scarf lipstick  seats hairband shops hairdo morning bat transformer funny crisps bahookie transport landscape yuk terrify bum then cartoon emotion rain name great bowl tree train fantastic slackbottom scunner chicklet book write fantastic green corrie school scampered thud thump rain chair bed egg outstanding cool fandabydosey squid fabulous colourful logic squash logican fun red money sun splodge huff slurp slop seats blob pig lion joyful story egg monkey happy story fairtrade splosh essert destruction toss fjord mawdlet gricer frabjous sylph-likie rubbish lurcher fricative smirr velvet splurge crumpet chemical palimpsest elemental slightly springtime noctilucent mirkin plangent briechel cuthie moot enorvated pithy foxed television unicorn slightly ninverdie midden gricer lurcher  lagom fractious sumptious bacheries (dundee for backwards) crimson cackle bailar fink bumptious skeilish elemental haughmagandy stouter snocter fusionless  inspiration summerafternoon huggle burble gentlemen guantanamera gumption bissem piglet annual-leave quintessence meadow incandescent pilly-wally spatula grouthie shuggle hura awfullymuch skellie boanthropy smithereens cackledrookit diaspora sapphire stooshie wretched pish class irnbru dodgy doctor manky nut globular blobby awesome assume dude laugh chortle LOL hiya hey dig bed dum excellent canny pharmacy groovy mararonicheese blobby globular dude sinister nuance figmaleerie stumour eedgit still incadescent passion peesweep lachrymose midden bamba ping trinklement glaikit discombobulation  hallyracket conglomerate pumpernickel diaspora drookit saphire stooshie wretched scoob glider squishy bang aardvark cake fantastical cambozola balmy cornucopia callipygous apricot touchpaper renaissance cambozola shambolic phlegm candaverous feeble guddle swan veer penis think heebyjeeby bigjessie dryboke plonk scarlet creel tessera concupiscent disconap scurryfunging atlantean smackered influenza life