
I have been artist in residence at Platform in Easterhouse for nearly a year now working with groups from housing associations from the surrounding area. Our Made in Easterhouse exhibition is currently on until 27th November at Platform.  The exhibition celebrates and elevates making in Easterhouse.

'The year-long project is both a celebration of the ubiquity of human creativity and a material survey of its small-scale, intimate and place-based manifestations.  Deirdre has explored the theme of ‘Made in’ through a previous residency in Timespan Helmsdale.

Over the course of the year, through sewing bees, informal maker gatherings and map-making sessions, Made in Easterhouse became a hub of community-based making and the memories and lineages of craft knowledge contained within it. It honours both the conviviality and the individuality of Easterhouse's maker culture and the myriad forms it takes and has taken throughout the history of the area.

The exhibition includes examples of knitwear, sewing, dressmaking, painting, ceramics, jam-making and make-do-and-mend knowhow. Each object is presented as an artifact of value - many kinds of value -and as a gesture of respect both for materials and the handmade, and for the investment in place that they reflect. '

 Text by Ruth Little 

In addition I have been collaborating with photographer Colin Tennant and am currently collaborating with Jason Singh this week. Throughout my residency I have been documenting all things Made in Easterhouse which includes hand crafted items but also snapshots of nature 'made' in the area.  From 10th - 20th October I am collaborating with Jason to explore the micro of Easterhousee in sound, visuals and textile. We will be blogging daily on our progress and discoveries.  You can find Jasons Blog here