photo by Alex Boyd

I am currently developing new costume with the singer Hanna Tuulikki for Away with the Birds . The singers will be performing in water so it will present a few exciting challenges. The Robe like costume for previous performances were inspired by sea birds such as the Oystercatcher and incorporated ideas of bird display through flashes of colour reminiscent of kilt pleats. You can experience a taster HERE of the project.  We have also just launched a kickstarter appeal so if you would like to get involved have a look HERE

'Hanna Tuulikki’s Air falbh leis na h-eòin is a body of work exploring the mimesis of birds in Gaelic song. On the 29th and 30th of August it becomes a sited performance on the Isle of Canna. The following month it will migrate to Tramway in Glasgow, with performances on the 19th and 20th September.