Wordbespoke:Jo's favourite word is Juicy

Happy new year to everyone .

I am now getting back into work and beginning to embroider words onto garments for Wordbespoke element of my Wigtown words project. I am working with friend and photograper Ali Bell to document the project so I will be posting images and information over the next while.  There have been many elements to the Wigtown word project and over the next while i hope to develop ways to show the work at The Book Shop in Wigtown at Spring Fling  28th - 30th May 2011

I have an exciting year ahead with work being developed from my Cove park residency summer 2010 to be exhibited in London and Sydney. I am also developing work for an exhibition 'Modern Languages' curated by Katy West with Crafts Council of Ireland and am researching Irish textiles and economy for this . Further details of whats happening next can be found HERE