When talking about what i will make of exhibiton someone local suggested i make something 'salty' for my exhibition here at IASKA as salinity is a big problem here .



'Dryland salinity, the gradual loss of farm and grazing land to rising salt, is a massive problem, hard to comprehend and harder still to stop. There is salt everywhere in Australia; vast amounts of it, mostly located underground. It has built up over many thousands of years, originating from the weathering of rock minerals or the simple act of sea salt dropping via rain or wind. The native Australian vegetation evolved to be salt-tolerant. Many of the woodland species, for example, have deep roots and a high demand for water. Whilst the system was in balance, the salt stayed put. But when European farming arrived and replaced the native species with crop and pasture plants that have shorter roots and need less water, the inevitable happened. With every fall of rain, unused water "leaks" down to the water table, raising it, and bringing the salt up with it. That process continues today, and the volumes of water and salt are vast. Under the soils of the Western Australian wheabelt and part of Eastern Australia the salt store is so immense, and the movement of sub-surface water so slow, that restoration to fertility of salt-affected land will take generations. Some areas may never recover. In Australia, it is estimated that many billions of trees have been removed. 2,5 million hectares of land are affected by salinity and there is a potential for this to increase to 15 millions hectares, much of this in some of our most productive agricultural land. It's taken a long time for the political establishment to grasp the seriousness of the problem.'


salt underfoot -------salty shoes

salt crust